In order to borrow materials from the Merrill Memorial Library it is necessary to present a valid Merrill Memorial Library card or photo I.D.
Circulation Periods:
The following items may be checked out for 3 weeks:
- Books
- Audio Books (books on CD)
- Magazines (back issues only)
- The following may be checked out for 1 week:
Note: The circulation period for materials obtained from other libraries (Interlibrary Loan) is determined by the owning library. These libraries may choose to limit the circulation period for specific items, or types of
Renewing Materials:
Materials owned by the Merrill Memorial Library may be renewed 1 time unless there is a hold on that item. The renewal period is the same amount of time as the original circulation period, 3 weeks.
Items owned by other libraries may be renewed once for another 3 week period. Materials may be renewed in person, by calling the library at 846-4763, or online at
Circulation Limits:
Due to demand the library has placed a limit on the amount of DVDs, only 6 per card holder.
Requesting Materials:
Materials may be requested either by coming into the Library, emailing the Library, or calling the Library at 846-4763, or online at
Fines and Fees:
Merrill Memorial no longer charges fines for materials returned after their due date. However, if an item has been out of the Library for so long that it has gone to the status of Billed, the replacement fee for that item will be applied to a patrons account until the item is returned in good condition. Patrons cards will be blocked from use once fees have reached $5.00 or more.
Lost or Billed items:
When an item has not been returned in 1 month past its due date, the patron is notified that the item has been declared Billed. Patrons who have items that have been declared Billed will be charged the retail value of the item. If a patron has paid for the item after being notified, and within 1 month finds and returns it, and if the item is in acceptable condition as determined by the director or his/her designee, the Library will take back the item and refund the money paid for the item. The decision to accept the replacement item is determined by the librarian.
Damaged Items:
If an item is returned in such condition that the library deems a replacement copy be purchased, the cardholder will be charged the current replacement cost of the item. All unpaid fees and/or fines may result in a permanent ban from all borrowing privileges or all library privileges.
Access of Library Materials:
Because parents and legal guardians are responsible for deciding what library materials are appropriate for their minor children, the library will not restrict the use of library collections, and therefore does not assume liability in a child’s choice of reading or viewing material.
Denial of Borrowing or Library Privileges:
Use of the library or its materials may be denied for inappropriate conduct as defined in the Library’s Behavior Policy, loss of materials, destruction or tampering with library property, or any illegal activities.