Volunteers are an essential part of the Merrill Memorial Library, performing a wide variety of tasks that are important to the library’s success. This generally includes providing support services to staff and/or working on special projects. Volunteers bring energy, enthusiasm, special skills, and a new perspective to the Library. They enhance rather than replace regular library staffing and the Library will do its utmost to ensure that the volunteer experience is meaningful, engaging, and enjoyable.
Selection of Volunteers
A volunteer application and interview must be completed before anyone can serve as a volunteer at the Library. After filling out an application, prospective volunteers will be interviewed by a Librarian. Volunteer applicants are held to the same standards as regular job applicants and will be selected based upon their qualifications and the needs of the Library at any given time.
While the Library appreciates every person who wishes to volunteer at the library, opportunities for voluntary work are limited. Applicants will be asked to volunteer if a project is identified which matches their interest or qualifications. Volunteer service must be sufficient in scope and duration to justify the investment of staff time in training and managing the volunteers.
The minimum age requirement for Library volunteers is 12. Volunteers under the age of 16 must have signed written permission from parent or guardian
Roles and Responsibilities
The Library Volunteer agrees to:
- Attend on-the-job training and follow library rules and procedures
- Provide advance notice to the library if he/she is unable to work
- Provide advance notice if the volunteer work is to be terminated or interrupted
- Protect confidential information and exercise good judgment when acting on the library’s behalf
- Accept supervision with a willingness to learn and a willingness to ask about things not understood
The Merrill Memorial Library agrees to:
- Provide necessary orientation, training, and supervision for the volunteer position, including providing a tour of the library, introduction to library staff, and a copy of the Volunteer Policy.
- Change the volunteer assignment or add new duties only through mutual agreement between the volunteer and his/her supervisor
- Keep records of length of service and provide the volunteer with a letter of reference if requested Volunteers work with the status of “at will” employees. The Merrill Memorial Library does not compensate volunteers for time spent or expenses incurred.
A volunteer selected for work on a special project will discontinue service with that project when it is completed or terminated, unless other arrangements have been made. In the event that a volunteer is unable to adequately perform the duties assigned to him or her, and no other appropriate positions are available, the volunteer may be released from service.