Our goal is to establish reasonable rules to facilitate the purpose of the library and to encourage and welcome the community, in all its diversity, to use the building for activities related to non-profit, literary, cultural, educational and community events by individuals and groups. We understand and celebrate the diverse functions now sponsored by libraries, and wish to respond to the Yarmouth community’s needs and wishes. In general, MML is guided by the “Use of Meeting Room Space” of the Town of Yarmouth.
Requests for use of either third-floor rooms must be made by application. These are available both online and at the library. Completed applications should be submitted to library staff who will verify room availability and whether the event fits with MML guidelines. All applications must be approved by the library director. Priority for use of the Third Floor will be given to Library events and local, non-profit groups. At this time, we do not allow the space to be used by for-profit entities.
- Use of the meeting rooms must be consistent with the mission and policies of the library. Meeting room activities cannot disrupt the business of the library and the enjoyment of other library patrons. Noisy activities will not be allowed during library open hours. Social events are not permitted.
- All groups are asked to remember that they are in a library building and as such, are expected to come and go from the meeting rooms quietly.
- Meeting rooms may not be used for fundraising, financial gain, entrepreneurial, or commercial purposes, for solicitation of business, for profit or fundraising. No goods or services shall be promoted, sold or exchanged on the premises or by sample, pictures or description.
- The sponsoring organization may not charge admission to events taking place at the library.
- Groups using the meeting rooms during library hours will be restricted to the use of 5 parking spaces. Additional parking is available on Main Street and at Town Hall.
- Advertising for an event must show the organization’s contact phone number, not the MML phone number and include the parking policy described in #5 above.
- The sponsoring organization must have a representative at the front door if the event is held during library closed hours. The doors may not be unlocked and unattended.
- The sponsoring organization must receive instruction on use of AV equipment during library open hours prior to the event. A member of the sponsoring organization must be responsible for operation of AV equipment during the event.
- Children require adult supervision at all times and may not be left unattended in the library during any event.
- Materials and equipment may not be stored at MML in advance or following any event.
- Reservations for meeting room space are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Library sponsored meeting room use has priority and MML reserves the right to preempt any scheduled meeting or program. To allow the use of library meeting rooms by as many groups as possible, no group may use meeting rooms more than 2 times each month. Applications for recurring reservations can be submitted only 60 days ahead of time. However, no group may consider MML its permanent meeting place or use the library as its mailing address.
- The Town of Yarmouth prohibits the serving of alcohol in all municipal buildings. The kitchenette on the third floor may be used for the serving of non-alcoholic beverages and light snacks but must be left as it was found. Because of the limited kitchen facilities, refreshments cannot consist of meals or banquets.
- Room setup: Groups are welcome to rearrange the furniture, but DO NOT DRAG CHAIRS AND TABLES ACROSS THE WOODEN FLOOR. At the conclusion of an event, the sponsoring organization is responsible for returning the room(s) to the state in which they were found. Furniture should be put back, trash removed, etc. Diagrams of standard room layouts are located near the light switch.
- Failure to comply with the provisions of this policy will result in:
- Imposition of a cleaning fee or trash removal fee
- Restriction of future use of the meeting rooms; or
- Forfeiture of the offending organization’s privilege to use the library meeting rooms.
- Meeting rooms may not be used to conduct personal political campaigns or religious worship. However, meetings to discuss religion or politics are welcome.
Room use hours:
Yarmouth residents and non-Yarmouth organizations are restricted to using the rooms during library open hours which are listed below unless otherwise posted:
Monday, Thursday, Friday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday and Wednesday: 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturdays 10:00am to 3:00pm
Closed Saturdays in July and August and on holiday weekends.
Room Specifications:
Lewis Hall
Capacity – 65 people
Format – lecture hall with chairs
AV equipment – drop-down video screen, microphones, computer connectivity
Trustees’ Meeting Room
Capacity – 12-15 people
Format – conference table with chairs
AV equipment – drop down screen and portable projector