It is the policy of the Merrill Memorial Library and Board of Trustees to permit filming and photography under the conditions described herein only to the extent that it does not interfere with the operations, programs and activities of the Library, and is consistent with the Library’s Code of Conduct Policy. This policy is intended to protect library users who may be endangered or inconvenienced by having their photo or video image taken in the library.
In order to ensure the safest, most pleasant Library experience for our patrons, Merrill Memorial Library requires that those who wish to photograph or video record in the Library during open operating hours, have written permission from the Director. Requests will be evaluated in terms of their impact on library operations and services. Those photographing or videotaping children must have both the verbal permission of the acting supervisor and permission by each child’s legal guardian. Those photographing or videotaping adults must have verbal permission from the subject as well as from the acting supervisor. Under no circumstances may the public, members of the media, or library staff take photographs or record video or audio without the express permission of any library customer or staff member who would be included within the composition. Those not following this policy may be asked to put away their equipment or leave the facility.