Merrill Memorial Library provides a public bulletin board for the posting of community activities and events, as well as, public service notices of education, cultural or community interest for non-profit organizations.
Only items meeting the following guidelines will be posted. All items for the bulletin board are to be left with library staff at the Circulation Desk. Any unauthorized items found on the bulletin board will be removed and discarded.
- Items will be displayed for one month or until the date of the event whichever occurs first.
- Priority for bulletin board space is given to notices of specific upcoming events. Notices are to be no larger than 11”x17”. Larger items will be posted only if space is readily available.
- Information about services and events that are available on a continuing basis may be posted if space permits. These notices will be posted and removed after a maximum of 3 weeks.
- Advertisements, newspapers or commercial notices by a for-profit organization will not be posted.
- Notices promoting political parties or candidates or those advocating the election of any candidate or a stand on any issue on the election ballot will not be displayed.
- The use of the Library’s bulletin board does not constitute an endorsement of any organization’s policies or beliefs.