In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals are welcomed and permitted at the Merrill Memorial Library. Per ADA, service animals are dogs or miniature horses individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. No other animals are permitted. In order to help maintain a pleasant, productive, and safe environment for all Library users and staff, the following behavioral guidelines for service animals are to be observed:
- Service animals must be in physical proximity with their handler and under handler control at all times.
- Service animals may not be left unattended by their handler at any time.
- Service animals must be on a leash or harness at all times unless the use of a leash or harness interferes with the animal’s effective performance of its designated task(s). If the animal cannot be leashed or harnessed, it must be under the handler’s control via voice, signals, or other effective means at all times.
- Service animals must not display disruptive behavior such as barking and growling and must conform to the Library Code of Conduct.
- Service animals must be housebroken and their handler is responsible for any upkeep or clean-up of the animal.
NOTE: If a service animal’s behaviors or actions pose an unreasonable or direct threat to the health or safety of others, or do not conform to these guidelines, it may not remain in the Library. In accordance with ADA guidelines, non-compliance of guidelines can be grounds for a request to remove a service animal from the Library. If the service animal is excluded from the Library, the individual with the disability is welcomed to stay and will be reasonably accommodated by Library staff.