Contact Us
Have a comment or question? Fill out our contact form and we will get back to you. We’d love to hear from you!
History & Mission
Learn about the story of our library from its founding to the present as well as our mission as a library.
Library Policies
Peruse an up-to-date copy of our policy manual.
Library Staff
Our librarians and support staff at the Merrill Memorial Library.
Board of Trustees
List of the current elected library board.
Map & Directions
Directions coming from the North and the South, or from wherever your starting point might be.
Strategic Plan
The current strategic plan approved by the Board of Trustees. Updated once a new plan has been drafted and approved.
Staff Blog
Blog run by the Merrill Memorial staff on a wide range of library and library adjacent topics. Find our most recent entries as well as the entire archive of the blog.