SITE 4 (OF 7):
Captain S.C. Blanchard House (317 Main)
Photo Source: Wikipedia (November 2011)
Capt. SC Blanchard House: Designed by Portland architect Charles A. Alexander for Capt. Sylvanus C. Blanchard around 1855, this house is a wonderful example of the mid-19th century Italianate style. With its overhanging eaves, prominent brackets, and Classical details like arched windows and decorative pilasters, the Italianate style was a popular Victorian revival of medieval Italian villas and farmhouses. Sylvanus Blanchard was a member of one of Yarmouth’s most prominent shipbuilding and seafaring families and also served as a representative to the Maine Legislature.
Fun fact: Although many people call it a cupola, the structure at the top of this house is more accurately referred to as a belvedere, which comes from the Italian phrase meaning “beautiful view.” Belvederes were designed to provide occupants with impressive vistas.
Adult (5)
- Barrie’s Sextant: A Young Man’s Daring Sea Voyage and the Men Who Mapped the World’s Oceans (2014) – MML has 1 copy; 10 more copies in Minerva
- Bunting’s Live Yankees: The Sewalls and Their Ships (2009) – MML has 1 copy; 22 more copies in Minerva
- Grann’s The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder (2023) – MML has 1 copy (NEW!); 55 more copies in Minerva
- Hill’s Ships, Swindlers, and Scalded Hogs: The Rise and Fall of the Crooker Shipyard in Bath, Maine (2016) – MML has 1 copy; 10 more copies in Minerva
- Rappaport’s Reading the Glass: A Captain’s View of Weather, Water, Life on Ships (2023) – MML has 1 copy (NEW!); 19 more copies in Minerva
Juvenile (4)
- Gifford’s How Ships Work: Explore the World of Ships Inside and Out with Loads of Flaps to Lift (2020) – no copy at MML, but available in 3 Minerva libraries
- O’Brien’s The Great Ships (2001) – no copy at MML, but available in 13 Minerva libraries
- Sturges’ Down to the Sea in Ships (2004) – no copy at MML, but available in 4 Minerva libraries
- Wilkinson’s Ships (2000) – no copy at MML, but available in 6 Minerva libraries
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